About This Site:

You might notice that on my site, music software, guitar synthesis, bluegrass, and banjo rub elbows. I’ve been advised against doing this, but there is a method in my madness. The site divides into three discrete blogs. You’re welcome to focus on any category that appeals to you, but I’m encouraging you to at least take a peek at all three. My musical experience started with bluegrass banjo and branched out into electronic music, and elements of my bluegrass background pervade my electronic music, and some of my performances as a banjoist rely heavily on sequencing, sound design, and MIDI. For a musical bio, you can look here

With that in mind, keyboardists might find value in MIDI guitar technique, MIDI guitarists might be interested in learning a little bit about bluegrass banjo styles, and banjo players might want to know about music software they can practice with. I’m fascinated with the cross-pollination of music. Here’s my contribution; I hope you find it useful.